




2020 in Taiwan

©Rachel Annis Passman crayon & watercolor


線條作品由郭琴詠 ©Kathleen Kuo




際,我看到了幕後作風。 就在2017年,當我在香奈兒(Chanel)工作告一段落,我決定重新開始自我延伸,並開發出一系列100%可持續皮革製品。 這指的是我運用了在意大利手工製造時經過認證的再生皮革,以確保每件產品的質量。 我們的流程得到了簡化,因此不會產生多餘浪費的物件。

我真正喜歡的是,所有設計的核心都是解決問題。 無論何時遇到問題,我們都會一步步地尋求解決方案,同時將對我們地球的影響始終置於我們做出每個決定的最前面。

Opus Mind,我們對可持續發展的未來感到興奮,因為消費者會意識到自己的選擇並賦予他們選擇權。


Growing up in Belgium, I had access to quality fashion that were well-made and stood the test of time. My appreciation for mindful purchases came hand-in-hand with the love for each item, building a conscious closet full of exciting pieces. My French upbringing installed a respect for self-expression and valuing the stories behind each product.

After developing a career in fashion from Paris to Hong Kong, through Los Angeles and Shanghai, I saw the practices behind the curtains. And it was in 2017, while working for Chanel, when I was personally confronted with the issue of waste, enough was enough.

I decided to lead by example and develop a line of 100% sustainable leather goods. That meant using certifiable recycled leather while hand made in Italy to ensure the quality of each piece. Our process has been streamlined so no excess and no waste is generated.

What I love is that, at the core of all design, it is about problem solving. Step by step, whenever facing an issue, we are looking for creative ways to solve it, while keeping the impact to our planet at the forefront of every decision we make.

At Opus Mind, we are excited about a sustainable future where consumers are aware and empowered by their choices.

Education Leads to Hopeland